Thursday, February 3, 2011

Venice... Last City On The Water

Sooo I went to Venice with a friend of mine last weekend and it was amazing and ridiculous. You might not know but I’m clearly a Pisces, which means that I’m a water sign. Something about being around all that water was amazing. You leave the train station (and side note about the train its crazy and an experience all in itself.... I’ll explain later) and all you see is this amazing Canal.

Of course they don’t have streets because all the canals serve as their streets and the rest of the city is a maze of alleys and beautiful nooks. Not to sound like a tourist type but literally the best

thing I did was get my ass utterly lost at times in this city. I found shops, artist, alleys that made me wanna post up and smoke a cigarette just cause I was there. This city resulted in an outpour

of emotion that I haven’t felt from a city in years and it was sooo beautiful. On top of this the shops I found deep in the back alleys of Italy were things like the mask shops. Apparently there is a huge epic with the city... the people who open shops on the strip are not authentic Venetian Artist. The import mass produce products from China. The locals are sooo upset because they handmade and paint their masks. Each one is just a little different from the other.......

......... Sooo found myself in one of these shops and I was let loose among things that only my deepest imagination could create. Colors and shapes clean lines and geometric shapes, gothic inspirations, and the romantics of an artist each piece in this shop kinda man be shiver. And by the time I was done well let’s say that sooo was my credit card. But I wasn’t ripped off cause I got sooo much stuff that it will equal out in my mind, and in the end that’s all that matters. Sometimes Is Hiding Behind Something Your Greatest Form Of Expression???

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