Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Taste Of Home...

Okay, sooo I know I made a post like yesterday about food and the search for its awesomeness. But I had a little breakdown today. I’m happy to say that I official keep my promise of avoiding America fast food chains. But I did go to an American sit down restaurant.

IDK, I got crazy and missed the small things about eating in America.... complimentary bread, free water refills, free refills in general, and weirdly enough good beef...

.....Well remember those good friends I was talking about well we jumped on the Metro and Rome and ended up at the Hard Rock Cafe... where we had an awesome American style hamburger and fries, drinks (Mojito), and Ice Cream... yes not Gelato.... It was a sweet little reminder of home. I think that in each country I visit ill have dinners like this....

...And even in the future in which I’m pretty sure I’m moving over here (that is Europe for a period of time) that ill have things like this. Because no matter how much I think that I’ll be an Ex-Patriot... I'll still need a little taste of home.... Why Is Home Always Where Your Heart Is And Not Where You Are???

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