Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Search For Food...

Its wild you come to these countries and people talk about the food and how it is amazing, but they forget to mention that these places are just like everywhere else in the world some people can cook and some people can't. But please don’t get me wrong I have had some amazing food since I landed here. In the land of pasta and wine it’s been amazing. I also have on some very unofficial/official level made it my purgative not

to go to any American fastfood places. I’ve walked past both a McDonalds and a Burger King and marked them as things not to find my way back to......

But with all this amazing food something else has come up. I stumbled upon this video while going on one of my frequent Youtube binges. It was of this guy he has this fairly religious video blog. And this one was about his body and how he has just recently been able to take his shirt off in public. Looking at this kid he was gorgeous and i could image that he would have been much different 6 months ago. But i digress anyway there are a bunch of people on my trip who are counting calories and/or watching what they eat and an attempt not to gain weight. The thing is and let me preface this with you shouldn't go crazy with what u do... but damn raise your glass and be happy that you got off your ass and had the good fortune to travel across the ocean. Life is too short and this place is to beautiful to be worrying if your Canoli is over your caloric intake for the day... you feel me...........

............ Also Pink has finally released the video for her new song "Fucking Perfect" which has been added to the list of songs by her that will live forever in y mind as movements, musci with somethin more to say than how much you spent on something or how drunk you were the night before. Though we all know that those songs are fun???.......Anyway Luvs... When Are People Going To Start To Fight For The Person Than Are Over What The World???

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