Saturday, February 12, 2011

Protesting And Anarchy

Sooo it was my last 24 Hours in Rome and we decided to do what any red-blooded American would do... make a bucket list!!! We after packing decided to run around the city and do a whole bunch of things for the last time... The thing is I had to distinct groups of friends sooo I divided my time. One group had me most of the day (oh I forgot to mention that we had decided not to sleep that night) and the other had me for the entire night. We ran around to all of our favorite spots and eat food from places for the last time... We even venture to this amazing Gardens that over look most of Rome... And created a treasure map for some items we were going to leave behind.... It was a blast and very soul fulfilling... we popped bottles of champagne and I n all the madness discovered a hidden park so that the friends we left behind would have a place to chill and think
of us... But I’m sure you’re wondering why this post is called "Protesting And Anarchy", well most of the people and I actually mean 95% of them all went out to clubs Bars etc... which was really interesting to see those same people hung-the-fuck-over the next day on the hour bus ride to the airport.... The thing is we did us and it was truly amazing. Bye Bye Rome... the first major city on this extremely long and ridiculous journey that I’m on... I threw my coins into the fountain... Will We Ever Meet Again???

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