Thursday, February 3, 2011

Training For The Train...

Okay I’ve taken the train twice round trip since I’ve been in Europe and it was crazy each time. And just to clarify there are basically two kinds of trains: one of them is a new and stylized with an amazing amount of speed behind them, AKA a bullet train. It gets you where you need to go in like an hour, and you have limited access to some of the crazy people who ride on the train. Second option which i recommend because its super duper cheap. The problem is that you are stuck in a train cabin with crazy people for 4 to possibly 6 hours at a time.... smh........

......... Now let me explain to you that I’m not complaining because these trains run into all of the best cities in Europe and for the cost it’s amazing. I’m just given you a PSA that you need to be prepared for the craziness that might ensue... Let’s see Anecdote #1: If you didn’t know now you do Europe is full of Gypsies (which I understand is not really the PC term for it but that’s the only name I know), they are amazing extortionists and pick pockets. Well after failing twice at

finding the right car to sit in we found one. And as we are settling in this woman screams and I quote "get your fucking hand out of my purse" it turns out one of these gypsies were trying to steal from her.

After the commotion settles she sits in my car and begins to explain how she has lived in Europe for years and just because she looked English didn’t mean she was a stupid tourist. It turned out after a few conversations she was going to see some friends in northern Italy and that she was a professor. Cool beans right???
Anecdote #2: I’m with my friends we are about 3 hours from our destination. And she nudges me, which is crazy because I am sleep and no one should interrupt sleep in vehicle because we all know how hard it is to maintain sleep in those extremely uncomfortable chairs. Well it turns out that the chick was throwing up into a plastic bag by the door.... IDK if she was sick or just couldn’t take the motion of the train, but it was like I was saying earlier and experience. Two things that I was thankful for... #1 this girl had a bag and made it into the bag when she was getting sick, that whole thing could have been several times worse, #2 she got off fairly shortly after this happened. So it’s a give and take with anything in life sooo why would the Euro train system be any different??? I’m ready for my next adventure.... Why Does Time Always Fly When You’re Having Fun???

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