Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beach And A Bottle

Well world my time in Rome has quickly come to an end as well as my amount of money in my pocket... sooo I started to think of things to do on the cheap side. My friend suggested us going to the beach for a day trip. We get up at what I would call an ungodly hour, just so you know that means that it was really like 9:30, and hop onto a train that is an hour outside of Rome. We get there and it’s nothing more than a simple little beach town, but it could have been Shangri-La.

We setup our blankets and settled into the sand. The wine started flowing and we pulled out our sweatshirts. It was a beautiful day but you know it also February in Rome so we expected nothing less. The day just went along as if time didn’t exist. We played the drums and my friend jammed out on the guitar, for a little while. It really made me enjoy just settling into being me laid back feet into the sand and cigarette in hand....
...I think that it reminded me that yes I'am only going to be in Europe for a small amount of time but that doesn't mean that I need to be running around Europe trying to see every bit of it. Enjoy the small things... remember the small things. Anyway the sun starts to set and we realize that it is now freezing because without the sun this really is winter. So we go on a drift wood finding mission... small groups break off and we all come back with hands full of an assortment of dried wood and not sooo dried wood. The point is we got the fire going and it was a soul fulfilling and very caveman-ish experience we created fire... but just as all good things do... it came to a end... And the city lights of Rome hit us like a ton of bricks, but if I could do it again I would (side note btw we did)... Why Do We Forget The Small Things Sometimes???

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