Monday, February 7, 2011

In The Search For Food Pt. 2

Sooooo the search for food continues... this time it was me and one of my girlfriends and we head out to this restaurant. Where you can get a full meal for 10 euro... Some wine, a main dish, and a side order. We weren’t really hungry and it was a great deal. So we arrive and the restaurant is completely empty as if they were about to close, but I asked if they were open and the waiter ushered us to seats. We then informed him of the deal that they were having and he consented to taking our order.

He then offered this appetizer, which we thought can with the meal so we both consented. The wine starting flowing and our food starting coming out. The first thing was extremely similar to bruschetta. Both there was also an extremely cool assortment of olives and smoked meat.... our main dishes came out and the wine continued to be poured. So we are talking and he is continually coming over and asking us about Brush and Obama and making slightly racist jokes about how I would support Obama because I’m Black and my friend because she is White would support Bush it was something special to say the least.

And I starting noticing that every time the waiter came back that he was slowly takings articles of clothes off. First it was his tie then, his vest, and then his shirt was unbuttoned. I was realizing that the restaurant was closed but he had served us so it was his fault. Anyway after salting the potatoes (which I have learn in this country they really don’t believe in

external seasonings) he came back over and asked us if we wanted Tiramisu, we contemplated this and decided that we had only spent ten dollars so why not add dessert. This waiter then came back and continued to make jokes, though the topic changed to
Italian politics involving how their president was the king of Viagra and how he had more mistresses than anybody else. He then brought out the Tiramisu which after the first bite we realized was
covered in a few shots of Rum. This is clearly the desperate act of a

crazy man who was trying to get me and my friend drunk. So we finally get the bill types and happy... guess what it was... I can sure as hell tell you that it was not 10 euro it was about 52 euro. It turns out that the appetizer and the dessert were about 8 dollars apiece. So we muster

up the money to pay the bill and the guy takes the money, we expect change back because we paid about 6 euro over what was due... we wait and then continue to wait and have this ask this crazy ass guy for our change. I couldn’t believe it you don’t tip in this country and really in all of Italy so that fact the he tried to pocket that money pissed me off... but then even crazier is the fact that when he brought us change back it was about 4 Euro more than we actually needed sooo.... we left him a 2 euro tip and left with the extra money all in all an awesome night right??? Why Do I Think God Has A Really Awesome Sense Of Humor???

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