Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its Christmas... But Not Really

So well its Christmas time in the city and well across the world (???), but the truth of the matter is that it’s not really that time of the year yet... we just finished Thanksgiving and the thing is that people... at least from my perspective are not ready for the Christmas season...
.... If you leave out the planning for family and friends and the large ridiculous amount of retail consumerism that people seem like they have to complete before this season comes... and you remove the lights and decorations all over 5th Ave... I think that people aren’t in the mood or mindset yet for Christmas... the giving the extra amounts of politeness that people seem to share during this season... I just don’t know where it is this year. Cause I really miss it and granted its only the first week in December, but people are already decorating and buying gifts so hopefully the spirit is right around the corner... please please please let it be.............. In Our World Is It Possible For Christmas To Come Without Ribbons Or Bows???

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