Friday, December 10, 2010

Sometimes You Cant See Tears On The Silver Screen

Dear faithful blog readers (if there are any) it’s been about eight days since my last post... I think that deserves a complement, I’m officially getting better about this. Or it could just mean that this month has been and emotional rollercoaster and at the sake of burdening others with my problems I just write them here with the secret hope that people will read them... okay enough with the fake drama and to what’s really on my mind...

I’ve officially/unofficially done with this year all my major stuff is out of the way so today on this most scared study day, I went on a little movie binge. One sappy gay movie that was set in the 80's... one amazingly tragic independent film... and finally a mixture of the two... One of them saw the world through rose colored glasses, very minor... very high school... the second choose only really to show the pain and anguish that people my age have to go through you know the worst case senior type stuff... And the thing is that I’m a huge fan of indie movies especially ones that are true to life... sometimes you don’t want to be lied to and sometimes you really just wanna see how hard the worlds going to be and watch people struggle through it and find joy in the small things. Because to tell you the true the small things is really all we have sometimes. A phone call, a favorite song, that last cigarette that keeps you from kill you entire class. The small things... but today I think I think I found a movie that was a pretty perfect middle ground... and let me preface the next several statement by saying I’m tired and run down because of this week, so you can’t hold me accountable for this later...

Anyway I watched the movie Latter Days and it really was pretty amazing it had the happy go lucky element to it but most of all it showed that even after all the shit we go through in life, after we moved on from all the pain and heart break that sometimes good things do come back in to our lives. I’m mean it’s still very naive to wish for a happy ending and do nothing to make it a reality. That just doesn’t happen, but I think that someday when you take a breath and think you realize that this may have to be your happy ending if only for a little while.... Raise Your Fucking Glass and toast to today and whatever was a part of it that made you happy, because tomorrow may never come... And I’m not saying that things don’t Get Better... because they do but to get to tomorrow you still got to find something happy in today.... Do I Live A Chapter Of My Fairytale Everyday

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