Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Fell In Love

This was my first draft of a very unoriginal but uniquely me type poem... lets just see what you think...

I fell in love today; it was the first time in forever I felt happy
He is someone that I’ve know for years. I watched him grow into himself.
How he became into his own individuality, how he found his own style.

Today, with his curly nappy hair all the way down to his large shapely feet.
His arched back, and the way he walks through the halls. Proud of his masculine features. Completely aware of how they shape his face.

I’ve seen him grieve for someone he has lost, and hold those who simply are lost. I’ve felt the heat radiate from his body and permeate the skin of those close to him.

His eyes... lord I fell in love with those eyes. And his ears not because they seem to fit him perfectly, because they always would listen when nobody else would...

I fell in love this morning when his eyes were reflected... I fell in love with me.

Alright im think of a major expansion... and some more details
What do you think????

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