Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Death And Resurrection

So life has been just as crazy as ever things are rolling along money is of course tight... i think most of my friends have abandoned me for greener pastures but hey people say if you really love someting you have to let it go, anf if it comes back then you really know that it was meant to be :)
Though the point of my little post today is the current campaigns to gain money for HIV/AIDS research and help programs. Several "stars" including the luv of my life and future wifey Alicia Keys have started "dying" digitally. This simply meaning that they won't post facebook, blog, and twitter updates until their goal of goal is reached as far as monetary collection.
The thought I’m and pretty sure the motive behind it is beautiful honest and true... I just think that it’s really sad that you have to remove something that is really a blessing to us (digital media) to drum up a strong enough effort to support a cause that should never be short of funding... These stars are really blackmailing the mass populace in an attempt to help actual needed people within our own country and abroad.

I guess the Alchemist really had it right, everything in life is equivalent exchange... you really cant get something form nothing...
Will We Ever Be Able To Give Freely From Our Own Selfs... Without Motive Otherwise???

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