Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They Just Wanna Be Held

My life has been pretty normal recently... it’s that time of year when my money runs low and my spirit is lifted by my friends and family... you know the leaves have changed and the weather can’t make up its mind between winter, fall, and ridiculous...
... So of course between my friends giving me energy shots my mind tends to wonder about life and my status within the world. So what I’ve come to realize is that I’m really a little lonely... I’m not sure why but have you ever gotten the feeling that you could be surrounded by the best friends in the world and still feel very much alone in the world... I’ve come to the realization that I just wanna be held... Or hold someone, which if you read this blog enough or even know me that am not too far out of character...

...But for some reason this time I really mean it... I’ve had love come and go throughout my entire life... the thing is I’m really ready for it to stick and stay... it’s one thing to have and know that you are some kinda wonderful... but to share that and receive it from somebody is a completely different kinda something...
I’ll get through this I guess that a little sex will help and you know I’ll get by with little help from my friends... Let me think about how to say this so I can make my Sociology teacher proud... Maybe I just need some good old fashion Homosocial interaction... in all reality that might quell this urge to settle down all of a sudden. Like I said earlier it might just be the weather... I’ve always thought that winter was a season for shacking up so to speak... and I mean no ill will to people who think they are in love and happy... but come the warm summer sun and shedding of the winter coats and half of you will break up....
Am I really bitter? Or Are These Feelings An Inevitability of Life??

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