Monday, July 7, 2008

The Only Thing Thats Constant In Life..Is Change

I think I'll start this with a story....

...There is an old Greek starts around the time humans first received fire from the gods, because of this Zeus becomes jealous and as a punishment to all of humanity he splits our souls in two and scatters them around the that we would continual walk around incomplete searching for our...soul mate....

I only say this because last year i found mine and recently he left me. Through not fault of his own it was just how life works nothing can ever become fixed or dare i say must change and remain dynamic no matter how hard it is on the people that are living.... But I'm not bitter because life seems to come and uproot everything when you just become accustom to it. It keeps thing fresh and allows people to reinvent themselves....and i use to envy people who had it simple and constant but I almost pity them because if it wasn't for the life that I've had i really don't know what kind of person i would be today.......
...sorry this took so long to come and 1/2 i miss you.

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