Friday, July 25, 2008

Smiles and Smoke...

I really don't know but when ever I'm on the Metro I try to smile at people because I think that you could be having the worst day and if somebody smiles at you things just might get that much better... And like a stated earlier in this blog smiles are a lot of times fake or merely a defense mechanism but damn people a fucking smile could make the difference in somebodies life...

... I was having a fucking horribly day and was on the Metro for what seemed like hours and not one person cared to smile or even smirk... which sucked... So i got off the Metro and walked to a 7 Eleven and bought a pack of fucking Newports 100's and walked around Capitol Hill til about five them were gone... and this was the first time a had smoked in months and it felt so good and i felt so much better that I smiled all the way home.

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