Monday, July 7, 2008

Private Party #1

I had a Private Party a few days ago...........(oh just as a side note I'll try to write more regularly)..........away it was just Me, My Angels, And my Computer and I was thinking about stuff because recently boredom leads to deep thought with also leads to late nights too but that's a different story.. Anyway I'm lying awake and thinking about how everyone in the world has had a moment that they have felt completely alone or like their world is just in utter disarray.....but if everyone in the world has had this feeling then why should we feel alone. Somewhere out their somebody else is going through what your going through so suck it up and move.....
..........Don't get me wrong I'm all for being with your pain and listening to sad music but there will come a day when you just need to get the hell out of your house and do something. If you cant live for yourself than who can you live for......Put on your I-pod and take a walk..get on the Metro....or go see a movie just be you...............And trust me i kn ow its never as easy as it sounds but the day i learned to do it i was infinitely happier................
.........btw because I'll be writing more often my entries might not be as profound.

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