Sunday, July 27, 2008

I Just Wanted The Room To Stop Spinning...

I wanted to sleep but the world had different plans...
Every time I closed my eyes to seek peace to escape the world the room would spin and careen out of control and since I couldn't sleep with my eyes open well we had a problem.....

How do i escape when the very world itself whats me to participate why is it when you feel that you need peace the actions of your past always keep you awake.... why is the world so funny? Why is it that it can show you this beautiful thing with insurmountable and unequivocal potential and then tell you that you cant have it..........
....................Why is it that sometimes you really do think that God is a little kid with a magnifying glass and all you can do is watch him burn your legs off just so he can see you crawl...........

All i really wanted was the world to stop spinning so i could sleep and start all over again with something new because each day is exposed to bring a new dawn of hope ( hahahaha ) these are thing i use to live by but now I'm scared that i don't really believe in them anymore............

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