Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I just watched this amazing movie called "Grave of the fireflies"...and it brought me to tears like nothing has done in months...and yes i do cry over some movies...i cried when Angel died and when Briony published Atonement...but this story moved me on levels that none of them could........
.................It pulled on one of my primal fears loss. And it definitely made me remember that all of the people i know only a handful of them I can truly call friends people that no matter what would be there for me and help me no matter what. In my own delusional world every "friend" of mine should be like this but reality sets in and I realize the world doesn't work that way. And that even that handful have their own lives to lead and adventures to go on. This world really isn't the fairytale they promise children in bed time stories...the good don't always win and the people never live happily ever ever........
.........................But you know what came out of all of this I learned that some days you have to put your i-pod on and sing the lyrics to yourself and walk without anybody to cover your back......i learned that's the way life is going to be......and even if the people i care about are their some of the time ....part of growing up is learning how to deal with life when they're not.

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