Friday, June 13, 2008

Why are people so stupid?.....And Alicia Keys Answer!

This took awhile to write sorry its so long.....
........I've come to realize that most people i the world are incredible stupid and completely incapable of getting it....and yes i am using the eternal paradox of "it"...but to paraphrase a friend of mine why are even the cool intellectual types incapable of understanding the most simple concepts....

...I don't understand why people can't just understand that I'm going to be me and do whatever and whomever i want and at the end of the day come home and still be me....I think it scares people to death when people develop this incredibly powerful thing called an original thought...and trust me that i really don't want to condemn anything but come on....why is it that people who are so OK with themselves they don't need society to support or define them are ironically the ones that crave it the most??..

One of friends is gay and he said he hated the whole coming out scenario...(not that he is speaking anybody else who took that route,because he respects your choice).. but he said other people don't walk around and sit their friends down and say " Johnny boy I have something to tell you I'm straight" so he doesn't need anybody to validate what he is.......

..............This was really bothering me but i was deciding to let it go until i went to see the Amazing Alicia Keys in concert and to hear her sing and just to hear her lyrics speak on a profound level above there original meaning meant something to me...she song everything but songs similar to "Like You'll Never See Me Again" got me thinking that life is to short to just worry about everyone else and there inability to accept the world. "The present is a gift" and I think I'm going to start accepting it..........
......So I think I'll end on this their is a quote from this horrible movie" The Interpreter"...but it says the the Human voice can be hear above anything..its the one sound that carries and resonates regardless of circumstances..even a whisper.
I think we need to start listening..because the really human voice isn't on the TV or radio, but its out their.

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