Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Now that...that is done.

I was seating at work.....and some lady walked in and ask if she could read my friends face. Apparently she was a psychic and she scared my friend to death... she told me that this lady was painfully specific. So I decided to go and see if this lady could pick out the to things that had been weighing on me...because though i have a strong affinity to the supernatural i tend not to believe in in so much.... so i sat down with her and after about five minutes i almost wanted to cry she picked out everything that had been going wrong in my life.....she scared me and it wasn't the Miss Cleo type of general stuff...it verged on feeling that i had been dealing with for for sometime......she spoke one how the person I'm kinda with isn't the love of my life and how she is leading me in the wrong direction........she told me exactly how I've been feeling confused and lost .....she scared me no one knows that part of me.

I had to go home and drown my sorrows in the only real constant in my life...music..
but i know this is depressing so i think that will end it here for today

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