Saturday, February 12, 2011

Protesting And Anarchy

Sooo it was my last 24 Hours in Rome and we decided to do what any red-blooded American would do... make a bucket list!!! We after packing decided to run around the city and do a whole bunch of things for the last time... The thing is I had to distinct groups of friends sooo I divided my time. One group had me most of the day (oh I forgot to mention that we had decided not to sleep that night) and the other had me for the entire night. We ran around to all of our favorite spots and eat food from places for the last time... We even venture to this amazing Gardens that over look most of Rome... And created a treasure map for some items we were going to leave behind.... It was a blast and very soul fulfilling... we popped bottles of champagne and I n all the madness discovered a hidden park so that the friends we left behind would have a place to chill and think
of us... But I’m sure you’re wondering why this post is called "Protesting And Anarchy", well most of the people and I actually mean 95% of them all went out to clubs Bars etc... which was really interesting to see those same people hung-the-fuck-over the next day on the hour bus ride to the airport.... The thing is we did us and it was truly amazing. Bye Bye Rome... the first major city on this extremely long and ridiculous journey that I’m on... I threw my coins into the fountain... Will We Ever Meet Again???

Beach And A Bottle

Well world my time in Rome has quickly come to an end as well as my amount of money in my pocket... sooo I started to think of things to do on the cheap side. My friend suggested us going to the beach for a day trip. We get up at what I would call an ungodly hour, just so you know that means that it was really like 9:30, and hop onto a train that is an hour outside of Rome. We get there and it’s nothing more than a simple little beach town, but it could have been Shangri-La.

We setup our blankets and settled into the sand. The wine started flowing and we pulled out our sweatshirts. It was a beautiful day but you know it also February in Rome so we expected nothing less. The day just went along as if time didn’t exist. We played the drums and my friend jammed out on the guitar, for a little while. It really made me enjoy just settling into being me laid back feet into the sand and cigarette in hand....
...I think that it reminded me that yes I'am only going to be in Europe for a small amount of time but that doesn't mean that I need to be running around Europe trying to see every bit of it. Enjoy the small things... remember the small things. Anyway the sun starts to set and we realize that it is now freezing because without the sun this really is winter. So we go on a drift wood finding mission... small groups break off and we all come back with hands full of an assortment of dried wood and not sooo dried wood. The point is we got the fire going and it was a soul fulfilling and very caveman-ish experience we created fire... but just as all good things do... it came to a end... And the city lights of Rome hit us like a ton of bricks, but if I could do it again I would (side note btw we did)... Why Do We Forget The Small Things Sometimes???

Monday, February 7, 2011

In The Search For Food Pt. 2

Sooooo the search for food continues... this time it was me and one of my girlfriends and we head out to this restaurant. Where you can get a full meal for 10 euro... Some wine, a main dish, and a side order. We weren’t really hungry and it was a great deal. So we arrive and the restaurant is completely empty as if they were about to close, but I asked if they were open and the waiter ushered us to seats. We then informed him of the deal that they were having and he consented to taking our order.

He then offered this appetizer, which we thought can with the meal so we both consented. The wine starting flowing and our food starting coming out. The first thing was extremely similar to bruschetta. Both there was also an extremely cool assortment of olives and smoked meat.... our main dishes came out and the wine continued to be poured. So we are talking and he is continually coming over and asking us about Brush and Obama and making slightly racist jokes about how I would support Obama because I’m Black and my friend because she is White would support Bush it was something special to say the least.

And I starting noticing that every time the waiter came back that he was slowly takings articles of clothes off. First it was his tie then, his vest, and then his shirt was unbuttoned. I was realizing that the restaurant was closed but he had served us so it was his fault. Anyway after salting the potatoes (which I have learn in this country they really don’t believe in

external seasonings) he came back over and asked us if we wanted Tiramisu, we contemplated this and decided that we had only spent ten dollars so why not add dessert. This waiter then came back and continued to make jokes, though the topic changed to
Italian politics involving how their president was the king of Viagra and how he had more mistresses than anybody else. He then brought out the Tiramisu which after the first bite we realized was
covered in a few shots of Rum. This is clearly the desperate act of a

crazy man who was trying to get me and my friend drunk. So we finally get the bill types and happy... guess what it was... I can sure as hell tell you that it was not 10 euro it was about 52 euro. It turns out that the appetizer and the dessert were about 8 dollars apiece. So we muster

up the money to pay the bill and the guy takes the money, we expect change back because we paid about 6 euro over what was due... we wait and then continue to wait and have this ask this crazy ass guy for our change. I couldn’t believe it you don’t tip in this country and really in all of Italy so that fact the he tried to pocket that money pissed me off... but then even crazier is the fact that when he brought us change back it was about 4 Euro more than we actually needed sooo.... we left him a 2 euro tip and left with the extra money all in all an awesome night right??? Why Do I Think God Has A Really Awesome Sense Of Humor???

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Training For The Train...

Okay I’ve taken the train twice round trip since I’ve been in Europe and it was crazy each time. And just to clarify there are basically two kinds of trains: one of them is a new and stylized with an amazing amount of speed behind them, AKA a bullet train. It gets you where you need to go in like an hour, and you have limited access to some of the crazy people who ride on the train. Second option which i recommend because its super duper cheap. The problem is that you are stuck in a train cabin with crazy people for 4 to possibly 6 hours at a time.... smh........

......... Now let me explain to you that I’m not complaining because these trains run into all of the best cities in Europe and for the cost it’s amazing. I’m just given you a PSA that you need to be prepared for the craziness that might ensue... Let’s see Anecdote #1: If you didn’t know now you do Europe is full of Gypsies (which I understand is not really the PC term for it but that’s the only name I know), they are amazing extortionists and pick pockets. Well after failing twice at

finding the right car to sit in we found one. And as we are settling in this woman screams and I quote "get your fucking hand out of my purse" it turns out one of these gypsies were trying to steal from her.

After the commotion settles she sits in my car and begins to explain how she has lived in Europe for years and just because she looked English didn’t mean she was a stupid tourist. It turned out after a few conversations she was going to see some friends in northern Italy and that she was a professor. Cool beans right???
Anecdote #2: I’m with my friends we are about 3 hours from our destination. And she nudges me, which is crazy because I am sleep and no one should interrupt sleep in vehicle because we all know how hard it is to maintain sleep in those extremely uncomfortable chairs. Well it turns out that the chick was throwing up into a plastic bag by the door.... IDK if she was sick or just couldn’t take the motion of the train, but it was like I was saying earlier and experience. Two things that I was thankful for... #1 this girl had a bag and made it into the bag when she was getting sick, that whole thing could have been several times worse, #2 she got off fairly shortly after this happened. So it’s a give and take with anything in life sooo why would the Euro train system be any different??? I’m ready for my next adventure.... Why Does Time Always Fly When You’re Having Fun???

Venice... Last City On The Water

Sooo I went to Venice with a friend of mine last weekend and it was amazing and ridiculous. You might not know but I’m clearly a Pisces, which means that I’m a water sign. Something about being around all that water was amazing. You leave the train station (and side note about the train its crazy and an experience all in itself.... I’ll explain later) and all you see is this amazing Canal.

Of course they don’t have streets because all the canals serve as their streets and the rest of the city is a maze of alleys and beautiful nooks. Not to sound like a tourist type but literally the best

thing I did was get my ass utterly lost at times in this city. I found shops, artist, alleys that made me wanna post up and smoke a cigarette just cause I was there. This city resulted in an outpour

of emotion that I haven’t felt from a city in years and it was sooo beautiful. On top of this the shops I found deep in the back alleys of Italy were things like the mask shops. Apparently there is a huge epic with the city... the people who open shops on the strip are not authentic Venetian Artist. The import mass produce products from China. The locals are sooo upset because they handmade and paint their masks. Each one is just a little different from the other.......

......... Sooo found myself in one of these shops and I was let loose among things that only my deepest imagination could create. Colors and shapes clean lines and geometric shapes, gothic inspirations, and the romantics of an artist each piece in this shop kinda man be shiver. And by the time I was done well let’s say that sooo was my credit card. But I wasn’t ripped off cause I got sooo much stuff that it will equal out in my mind, and in the end that’s all that matters. Sometimes Is Hiding Behind Something Your Greatest Form Of Expression???