Tuesday, October 25, 2011

There Will Be Tears

I wanna cry
Sometime I just wanna sit in and cry
Rocking so that I can feel these things deep down inside.

I wanna cry
Because I can’t burden you with these things that are burdening me

I wanna cry
Because these walls were built without my consent
To contain things that I didn’t want hide deep inside.
I wanna break these windows and shatter these walls
And feel pain so that you know I am hurting.

I wanna cry
Because the grass always looks greener on the other side but when you get there
Its acid yellow and burned to the ground.

I wanna cry
Because I wanna see his fucking face again
And hold him and let him know everything is alright
Because I am disconnected from the people who disconnected me from the disconnected world

I wanna cry
So that you can see these tears, why can’t you see these tears on my dry skin?
Why can you look and see these oceans welling in my eyes.

Comments Will Be Greatly Appreciated (And Bare In Mind Its A Rough Draft)... 

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