Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Death Of Broadcast Radio... And The Laziness Of DJ's

So as many of you know I can be kinda a music snob... and trust me I’m the first person to step back and say maybe I went a little too far on my critique of a selection of music but beyond that I feel like I do have a good understanding of the music and the industry. Which bring me to today’s topic which I’m sure I covered a few months ago but you’re going to hear it again.... Broadcast radio and its impending doom. There is a motley of factors that’s leading to the destruction of radio and a lot of it has to do with the privatization of broadcast music, why should you have to wait or search to hear a particular genre of music when you can pay a monthly fee to something like XM and get it 24 hours a day.... so we blame the culture and our instant gratification mentality....

But I think that a large portion of the problem is the DJ'S who work for broadcast station (Especially in the DMV) got lazy. You spent years creating very unique and diverse station to then only playing Bill Boards Top 40. And even before this phenomenon occurred the DJ were not playing motley of music, you could switch between 3 Hip-Hop stations and hear the same song on every station. I would switch to XM too. It pains me to loose radio personalities that I grew up with and slowly watch their creativity reduced to that of a standard issue Ipod. But there is really nothing I can do at this point but attempt to work for a change back to old radio styles... And yes let me say this before I’m flooded with emails... I understand the DJ's are under pressure to play music that is popular in attempt to increase ratings... it’s just sad that the overplaying f those same 10 songs have helped to make their jobs obsolete.... But you know when those same 10 artist are the only people nominated for Grammy's the same year out of the hundreds of artist who released new music in the same year, you wonder what has become of music..... Do We Need A Musically Revolution??? Are We Finally Sick And Tired Of The Shit On The Radio???

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