Monday, August 29, 2011

You Always Remember Your "First's "

   Considering this summer has been full of Firsts for me i feel like this random thought should be immortalized in blog form. Some of these first have been good for me and others have been bad, but Ive come to realize that this is all a part of life... My thought is that your "First's" usually carry a lot of baggage because they emotionally are one sided. Your first Kiss, or the First person you've ever had sex with, you share a deeper connection with them than you will with the others even if you don't understand the
Random Fact: I Took This Photo In Amsterdam...
 gravity of it. The problem is that the person on the other side of this equation usually: A. doesn't know its your first time, and B. Don't share the connection you do to this moment. This leads to your first being bittersweet. I know my first kiss was cute and i was only 6 years old... But my first real kiss was awesome and emotional, and i never spoke to that person again its not my fault they moved away. The first person i had sex with i haven't spoken to since, but that might actually be a good thing :) Away I've had some amazing "First's" even if the only mattered to me, and that's the point i think I'm tryin to drag out of this stream of conscience, that you should cherish your first because they shape the person you are and potentially the person you become (they usually influence who your second is). Have "First's" experiences, luvs, kisses, sex... just be careful who they are with.

Speaking of first i just found this guy (he's a first for me) so i think you should check him out Real HipHop :) Pete Phill
Mystery Repeats  Mystery Repeats                    MindstateMindstate

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