Sunday, August 14, 2011

Updates and Altered Fates....

Sooooo, here is the post i promised... this is just a synopsis of this summer. I had an amazing time in Paris and then went out to Spain and a pretty awesome time there as well. I flew back to the states through thunderstorms and crazy connections. My family has been split up ( by choice ) sister has moved back into the city and ive moved with her... I worked super crazy hours this summer and did almost everything i wanted to do except im still broke, saving money has never been my strong suit....

..... The thing is i still had a blast, but this summer also came with great lost for me things that as loyal blog readers your going to hear a lot about. Mostly in spurts and burst over the next few months. I lost my big brother (biologically he was my older cousin) to a car accident earlier this summer. And then a little while after that i lost my job. Then on an excursion to escape the city, i foolishly fucked one of my best friends and haven't heard from them since... which in the back of my mind leads me to believe that we might never talk again... Then i think the world just to add insult to injury... my super recover system the person i turn to in my time of need dies... Amy Winehouse... Back to Black and Frank was my favorite recover aid... All and all this summer has been super random and unbelievable. Details will come about Paris and the other randomness my life has brought.... I Thought A Little Bit Of Random Was Good For Life???

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