Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Radio Sucks ( Think About It )...

                                                                                                                                                          By the time you read this its going to be the 4th or 5th draft because i need to get all my thoughts organized... I was going do do this post after spending 12 hours in a car and going across several states listening to the radio. But no I'm super upset because the VMA's just did the most half ass tribute to Amy Winehouse. And if you didn't know she was one of my favorite artist of all time...
... So I did a run to NYC this weekend to drop off some stuff and i always drive so i was in a car for an extended amount of time. The radio was on constantly. Several of my favorite artist were blasting, a few of which I'm going to give shoot outs too because the world is a better place if more people had there stuff... Kelly Rowland, Adele, Katie Perry , And Lupe Fiasco.  The problem was that other than these people i might have heard 5 more artist. It became an endless cycle of singles from the same artist. Different stations and at times different states. How in the world of probability should this be possible. I luv music I search for it, look for it, and seek it out whenever i get the chance. Soo i have it on good authority that there are more than 10 artist in the world that we should be listen to on the radio. And i know radio is all tied up in sponsorship and funding nowadays but damn, whatever happen to a radio

station playing good music because it was good music... im jus saying... Then Tonight The VMA's came on, i didn't watch the whole thing mostly (though the trend has changed in the last 3 years or soo) because its all about limelight artist not musical artist. Case and Point allowing Lil Wayne's non singing ass to preform How To Love, which to tell you the truth if a real singer would sing over it and just have him rap would be an awesome song. But no he was up on stage struggling through the few bars of the chorus. But they've done a lot of things right like Florence And The Machines performance last year or Adele's stellar performance this year. Not to mention they let Jessie J sing as the house band all night (didn't luv the album, but the girl has an amazing voice/ id pay to see her live). Anyway they come to this Amy Winehouse tribute that clearly was not thought out, stumbled over, and was not fit for the amazing artist she was. Outside of the drama, cameras, and her mistakes. The woman drove record sales that made history and broke records, she created memorable videos, and did some of the best collaborations in her short career in the limelight. Frank, Back To Black, Not to mention the amazing B-sides and Remixes.
Random Fact: I Luv Prince 
Then I think to add insult to injury these MotherF*ckers (this the first time I've cursed on here in awhile) Let Bruno Mars singe Valerie which is one of my favorite Amy Winehouse songs. And i don't dislike Bruno Mars he does make some good music, in fact he falls into that group of the other ten artist i heard on the radio. But the fact remains he had not business singing an Amy Winehouse song. Worst decision is recent music history second only to BET in their wisdom allowing Trey Songs (another artist that i don't hate) to sing a cover of Purple Rain during a Prince tribute a few years ago... IDK what to do its the nature of the music industry that some people make it and some don't. That amazing artist sit and wait for their chance... people like Voli for example... and other people (I'm not going to name names make it to only burn out because they have no real talent just the ability to make Pop phenomena )...

No worries though there are good people collecting music, example you ask well i always promote good music soo no worries and DCtoBC always have the scope on good music... And I'm going to end with this You Don't Have To Like What I Say But Please Always Listen...

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