Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Same Old Same

Today was alot like yesterday same old same... work was amazingly interesting though... there are a bunch of new graduate students who are now seeing clients for the first time and the only comparable example i can give to you is its like first grade students starting a new school year... they are slowly picking up the rules testing the waters to see what they can and can not do... and getting scolded by teachers ( well in a matter of speaking )
But there was this one guy that almost let a client leave with so confidential information and the following scenes was almost as if it were out of a movie... one of the staff screamed "no" his face dropped and he said "no" and then ran after the client to retrieve the paper work.... But his faced was so cute and sweet... it laked like a little kids... it was almost like you wanted to hold him after and be like its okay you'll get it right next time...
... On another random note a friend of mine told me that i should come see them for therapy... nothing official just talking in the counseling center off my school. I dont know if they just wanted me to come because the more people there the better there funding would look for the next year or if because she is like a 4th year grad student in this field she sees something that i dont... I never thought that therapy would really work for me i can vent my problems to my friends and if i need a third opinion i always have somebody... I also could really never tell her about any problems that i think i have because... its always been easier to tell you stories to complete strangers... Why is it we hide from our friends???

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