Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Overload & BREAKDOWN

Have you ever felt that the world which you constructed for yourself was not the one that you wanted... That your world is kinda of a big compromise for the reality you live in... Its enough to bring a brother to tears and please dont get me wrong things in my life has consistently fallen apart and rebuild itself into something bigger and better, but damn is what im doing really what i want to do for the rest of my life. I can deal with monotony but only for so long i need to do something that when i get up in the morning ill be happy and ecstatic to go do...

... the real problem is that what i want to do might be alitte unrealistic.. you see my entire life people have told me that i was talented but then the people who matter as in judges and auditions panels just dont seem to share the same idea. Im guessing this last audition really kinda took me for more of loop than i thought it did.... the funny part is that as a write this "Thank You" by Mary Mary just came on my ipod shuffle i guess the universe is trying to tell me something...
.... Whatever im here to be Stronger and take each day as an adventure... Why Cant People (Myself Included) Make Life Soo Much Simpler???...

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