Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Little Monsters

Hey world im back its a new year... i feel like i havent changed that much just my ideals and goals have been expanded just that much more... But the topic of today is Little Monsters of my life. People as usual have begun to piss me off again... especially over this whole Lady Gaga thing... this girl comes out with nothing little of an explosion and people were falling at her feet...
... now everyone and their respective mothers have begun to turn against her and say that she is crazy, her music is sub par, and that she has no point in this world. I guess bandwagons come like buses you miss one next fifteen another ones coming. Give me a break if you like someone delve into the person they are and what they stand for and if you like them fine, but don't just go around spewing nonsensical hate because you think its the cool thing to do this week... And actually on that same token why do you feel the need to emerse yourself so far into someones elses life that you loose you own identity. At least for Gaga its about being yourself not like everyone else even her... Please be yourself and you'll never be out of style...so to speak :)

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