Monday, August 24, 2009


To quote one of my favorite singers "I'm not afraid of Lions and Tigers and Bear but im afraid...
... you see people i go back to school in like a week and for once in my life my school is paid for and i mean paid for everything is done which I'm really thankful for... but of course nothing in my life can be simple so i don't have a place to live and i don't have the money to get a place but i refuse not to go to school so where does that leave me... Asking for help.. i hate to ask for help its just extremely hard for me because I'm supposed to be able to control my own life and i know i cant control everything but I'm supposed to be able to get my own money and work and go to school that's how i want my life to be independent of everybody else....
.... But we all know that life just doesn't work that way and i have to find a way to live with the help of others so I'm sitting in my room mentally going crazy because i have to call my friends and family and tell them that I'm too poor to have a place to live and i need to live off of them til i can get my shit together... makes you feel all warm and tingly right... but whatever its just going to be a crazy and very interesting few weeks in NYC and hopefully i can keep myself together long enough to make it til i have my own place...we shall see and of course ill keep you updated...
...So ill end how i began with a quote from Alicia Keys "If Your Troubled... You Just Gotta Let It Go"...

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