Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Drinks,Twinks, And So Much More....

Well basically with help of one of my best friends I've broken into the group of people we so fondly refer to as the DC Gays..........Most of them are really cool guys and the girls they associate with are usually really cool too.. So how the relationship works is we are kinda younger than most of them but the actually treat us like we're equals cause you know i try my hardest to avoid, all things petty, childish, and around immature...
... the cool thing is that all of these guys are part of the club scene so i get ti see them at least twice a week and thanks to them this summer has been full of adventures and experiences that are beyond what i ever would have thought that i would be able to get to at my age... especially because the way i was raised i tend to be on the later curve of alot both mentally and physically but trust i always end at head of the class.... Anyway back to the structure of the group we usually club and then socialize outside of the club, this leads to pizza and drinks. And then we head back to "the spot" which is all I'll call it at this point. And various activities go on mostly revolving around free drinks and music...
... But its been a blast getting to know these people and evolving from the "Extra" as some people would try to refer to me as to the "Main Event." Anyway much love people and ill see wear this all heads...

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