Sunday, March 25, 2012

The State Of My Union...


 ....Let Me See In Light Of The Recent ( I Use That Term Loosely ) State Of The Union Address, I Figured I'd Address The State Of My Union....

...My world as usual has been a hot mess... which sounds bad but it’s actually a mixture of 
amazingness, stress, freedom, and several other adjectives that I don’t care to list at the moment... As you guy should know I’m graduating this semester the real world is rapidly approaching and I have to take stock out of what I want the next couple of months to be. They can easily be me having crazysexycool unadulterated fun or I could more adequately saving for my eventual move to NYC and the start of the next book in the series of my life... 
I DONT KNOW... this is the next step and I unlike most people have a lot more things to weigh than most college graduates... And as appealing running away from home and slumming it in NYC sound its goes against my thought process and my constitution to just abandon my family things are a little tough right now and I feel like they might need me to balance out the equation... Anyway I’m avoiding school as much as possible and still passing so things are good and they are getting much better... I’m ready to dive into the world work and struggle for a while and start being the change I wanna see in this world... Are You Ready To Follow Me Down The Rabbit Hole???

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