Sunday, March 25, 2012

Every Ghetto Every City... Paris

Sooo at this point I have been to more places around the world than most people have in their entire lives... and there is one thing that I have learned... (Or "found to be true" might be the better term for this but hey... it’s my blog right) Is that you have your most fun running the streets...

... And this is not to say that doing other things aren’t fun, you should do things see sights and taste local cuisine, but the thing that you need to do the most is walk. Walk from one sight to another find areas of the city you haven’t been to and just walk around, do I a little research to make sure it’s not the drug capitol of the city ( some people might like that... I guess?? ) then head there. 
Also another thing, we all have friends that we luv and cherish, but if they aren’t ready to walk for 12 hours around the city and then still go out drinking that night at a cafe by the river then... how do I phrase this nicely drop them... You need friends to explore any place it helps and makes the adventure that much more amazing but if they are going to complain about there ankle every time minutes then leave them... And continue to leave them eventually they will understand that you're having soo much more fun than them and they will by a cool pair of shoes and come along... but until them leave.
I have gotten into some of the best parts of the best cities by walking around sometimes even aimlessly and trust me I’m not doing just for my health ( cause I still can’t loss weight...  damn delicious street food... lol ). But yea, Paris, Amsterdam, Trestevere, NYC... I found amazing places, street art, people, sculptures, fountains, and just general culture by running around the city on foot... just some food for thought... Are You Ready To Really Take The Road Less Traveled???

Prince And Me o+>

 So this is another one of those stream of consciousness blog posts... I just feel like before I start talking about our world... I should figure myself out...
Sooo Prince and Me, well that a special relationship that we have had going for over ten years now, My first memories of Prince is watching "Purple Rain" the movie for the first time. His image was remarkable, the way that he carried himself and the way he sought to present his creative ideas drove me crazy. Stemming from this interaction me and my mother (who is die heart fan) began explore the love of his music. I feel like my mother was always surprised by my taste in music:

... You know
                 "Isn’t it strange that this ten (maybe 12) year old has a love for music I luved in my 20s"
                                                                                                                Let’s just say my mom discovered that I had an old soul... 

We listened to the whole album of "Purple Rain" and from then on anytime I heard anything that even reminded me of Prince I would immediately ask my mom if it was Prince... This went on for several years til my taste and hunger for music changed (or should I say increased... IDK). At this point I was a teenager and I had my own computer with complete access to... you know it... Kaza!!! I would be sitting in front of that computer for hours upon hours downloading music (surprisingly I download very little porn... I guess music has always been first). I had amassed an intricate collection of Prince Albums, covers he had done, unreleased singles, and all the jam session he had done stretching back to when he was jamming as a symbol and when the revolution was always his accompaniments on stage and paper. I used his songs to chill and with an always couple of placements of his songs in email flirted my ass off with the first girl I ever loved... haha... shout out to Ohio... But all good things must come to an end and like most computers of that time this computer crashed and I lost gigs of data... and had to start from scratch... 

This promoted a crazy new obsession of mine ( With the help of my 1/2 ) to get, have, own and cherish physical media... I wanted vinyl... diamonds might be a girl’s best friend, but you can’t lay then under a needle and jamm to for hours... ya feel me...
                          ..... The first one o found was on eBay. It was a first edition (I think or at least from the 80s) Purple Rain Album that was in perfect condition with all of the original covers and poster... the person didnt know what they had and I scooped it up mad cheap... This was my gold mine and it was my first record. 
Anyway history aside... I’m still in luv with this man as a whole... he walks around in tight, pants, crazy hair, high heels, but in a seeming contradiction gets all the women he has ever wanted... he make music that is raw and hasn’t lost any passion or rage in the transitions from thought to notes... IDK what else to say he is legendary... and clever... smart...
              ... Just look up why he changed his name to the "Symbol" ... he said a big fuck you to the industry...

Did You Want To Be More Than My Weekend Lover??? 

The State Of My Union...


 ....Let Me See In Light Of The Recent ( I Use That Term Loosely ) State Of The Union Address, I Figured I'd Address The State Of My Union....

...My world as usual has been a hot mess... which sounds bad but it’s actually a mixture of 
amazingness, stress, freedom, and several other adjectives that I don’t care to list at the moment... As you guy should know I’m graduating this semester the real world is rapidly approaching and I have to take stock out of what I want the next couple of months to be. They can easily be me having crazysexycool unadulterated fun or I could more adequately saving for my eventual move to NYC and the start of the next book in the series of my life... 
I DONT KNOW... this is the next step and I unlike most people have a lot more things to weigh than most college graduates... And as appealing running away from home and slumming it in NYC sound its goes against my thought process and my constitution to just abandon my family things are a little tough right now and I feel like they might need me to balance out the equation... Anyway I’m avoiding school as much as possible and still passing so things are good and they are getting much better... I’m ready to dive into the world work and struggle for a while and start being the change I wanna see in this world... Are You Ready To Follow Me Down The Rabbit Hole???

Friday, March 23, 2012

Babies Im Back...

                                             ...Im back world and  boy do i have a lot to talk about.... new post coming as early as tonight... i swear like six post  :) have a great day with this freaky warm weather....