Friday, February 17, 2012


So today was not the best day I overslept and missed two classes, fail right!!! But not really I ended up going to campus mad late and got dinner and some new headphones. And while getting dinner I started a conversation with one of the workers. We started talking about life and he asked me what I wanted for mine, and what did I think I would get it out of it. We went from starting my own firm and free thought movement to talking about the money and how it would impact my life. This guy made some crazy accurate points.

  • First he talked about how you should never work for money, you work to expand and grow your talents... money will come it’s a byproduct of work. But if you work for money you lose yourself in it all.

I clearly made the mistake of saying that I never really wanted to be a millionaire just comfortable and he quickly corrected me. Money doesn’t make you happy but it frees you to do things that you couldn’t do without it and it allows you to help the people that you want and who needs it. The more money you have the easier it is to help people and the more people you could help.

  • He then went on to talk about his life a bit and the nature of his memories and the lack of regrets he has in his life....

Now I know what you’re thinking I shouldn’t be taking advice from a man working in a school cafeteria, but before you jump to judge he and his wife have a really successful online business and he informed me that if he were to be let go tomorrow he could still live comfortably.

  • Never Get Stuck!!!

Anyway that’s all I just felt like somebody should know what happened today. Keep you ambition let it grow and strengthen and become a bigger more beautiful thing :)
                                                                              Does You Ambition Become You???

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