Monday, April 16, 2012

#RealTalkSeries Definition Of Disposable


Sooo it’s crazy you know "We Are All Self Conscious, I’m Just The First To Admit It"... I was recently on a different coast visiting friends and we started to discussion about what else... Music. 

       ( !!!Background Break!!! )

The people that I was going to see were guys who live, breathe, and eat music. They create, catalogue it, and critique it. I love music its something that is a part of my everyday existence but I don’t engross myself in it the way they do. 
            ( ...Back To The Story... )
Sooo we started this discussion and we went on forever and discussed hip hop, Downtempo, electronic, etc. But we got to a point were I made a statement about how I feel that a lot of music being producer in recent years as "disposable" (btw: I stand by my statement ill explain it later for you guys ) Anyway one of the guys made the counter argument that my opinion by the very same logic could be "disposable." I wasn’t offended but intrigued it’s always good to have your opinion challenged it keeps you on your toes, people who are surrounded by "yes men" are always doomed to fail. The point I’m trying to make is that someone I respect because of their musical talent, encyclopedic knowledge of music, and generally because they are a good person challenged me. And in that moment because of the things I listed above and many more I felt inferior to them. Like a child does when being scolded. I shook it off, and like I said this guy is a real chill person and he meant no harm in his statement. 
But it just reminds me of how far I have to go, keep myself and check and continue to know and be at ease with myself and some day I’ll never have to feel inferior to anyone again. (Then again on the other hand it keeps you honest)       Are We All Self Conscious???

Sunday, April 15, 2012

#RealTalkSeries Black Thought

This Is The First In A Series (At Least Once A Week)
Comments, Opinions, Ideas...

#RealTalk Vol. 1 by Just.Tryin.To.Be.Me