Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This Always Happens............

I cant believe it, I've come so far from high school but its happening all over again.... I have this seemingly impossible ability to find friends that are really amazing........... but that seem to get me stuck... I feel like I'm trapped with them......... And it took three years of high school to escape last time that cant happen again........( 1/2 i need another you )...............

.......................................I can drink with the best of them and smoke just like everyone else but somehow i can never find those kinda people.... I love to be the ground, the medium for seemingly extreme people that's when i have the most fun... And its not that i want to do those things everyday but i would love people who do.... so they can organize them and i can drop by if need be...........

I'll find them cause i know there out there

Smoke Rings Around My Life

Things have been amazing...........I really cant complain about my life or even my situation..........

............Just recently some of my friends and i took off and went to do Hookah... Which was really amazing because alot of the people i was with had never done its before. So showing them how to drag and do smoke tricks was cool. Plus one of the coolest guys I've ever met was kinda our guide... He's this Greek guy.

............But the world is still a hot mess and I'm having the hardest TIME FINDING A little bit of intimacy up here in NYC.... So i going to employ an old friends to add to my new life up here....... Wish Me luck...........

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sex And The City

Dreams are hopeless aspiration, Believe in your self the rest is up to me and u....

...I will have my moment and I will find what i came here for, this city has that power... I will be forgiven and moved to a higher level... I'm going to find the u and me......

Monday, September 15, 2008

A little Bit if The Past

A little bit of the past to help me look toward the futre.............

Enjoy: http://www.justinfatica.net/blog/

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm Really Confused..........

I'm here...........i made it to the point in my life where everything has come together there isn't any kind of bullshit there is no presupposed meaning to the way i act its just me. So why am i so lost why do i feel that something is missing how can it be that this nirvana has its draw backs..............

..................... i really dont even know how to articulate the meaning behind this post because i wanted to inform u about how amazing things are but, i just suddenly got this feeling and i dont know, but in general things are good and who knows there might be something beautiful in the future............