Monday, September 5, 2011

.:Sadness In Waves:.

                               Soo I'm going to tell you this now, this will not be a long post. I just kinda needed to talk and see if i could get this off of my mind. I'v been through a few waves of sadness this summer. But the last wave was definitely the worst or at least the most challenging. I dealt with the wave when it crashed and I've been shaking it off. I thought that i was doing well til a few days ago. I was just finished packing my stuff up and i fell asleep in my bed. I had a crazy dream one i think ill go into detail about some other time. I woke up crying, literally i sat up with tears streaming down my face. This has never happened to me before, it was so wild. Soo now i understand that this particular wave of sadness isn't finished yet and im getting a little battered by the wave. I feel like it goes away and then come back a little stronger and darker. But i have have faith that things will get better... Right???

Winehouse On Repeat... Or At Least Winehouse Bring Me Peace...