Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There Is Always An Ambulance In The Melody

I was recently back home in DC. . . and me and one of my best friends were haveing some fun times on his rooftop... things were progressing and we were listening to music and drinking. He got really excited and started to play me al kinds of music that he though that i was going to like...

So was getting really into the music it was one of those times when you feel like the melody was going through you and you can feel all the crescendo and the triplets at the ends of bars... But then i noticed something was off and i asked him to pause the music... I was hearing an ambulance, fire truck, police car... something with a very distinct siren. . . so i asked him to put the music back on, but since we were in a major metropolitan city sirens continued to pass... An ambulance in the melody...
Is there always going to be a ambulance in the Melody... and is melody that much sweeter without it???