Thursday, May 21, 2009

I know He Hates Me

I was out with the best wing man ever.........he will go nameless but just know that he is......... anyway we had just left the club and ended up at this guys house and were relaxing in his loft...anyway he had a weird interaction with one of my best friends and was asking me if my friend hated him.......

...................And i was explaining to him that he really didnt hate him, the thing is whether he hated him or not was not the point,he was making these outrageous assumptions.........and thing is he did exactly what most people do they take the first 13 seconds of an interaction and use that to define a person its happened to me my whole life and 90 percent of the time the are dead wrong about the person i am and the person i wan to be.......

......The thing is people are a lot deeper than the appear to be and most the people you meet u never see the person they really are because its a lot harder to let somebody in and everyone should know that.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sixteen Candles....(Plus 3 More)

Lets just say i had a really good last adventure in NYC..... We took out one of my best friends to this sushi place in the city. We smuggled a cake all the way from Queens into the restaurant without her even knowing... thank god for tunnel vision......anyway after the tempura was served and Merlot was poured.... out came the cake and down came her was such a great solidified our friendship and set the tone for parties for years to come......
.............btw I love u guys and i will miss u......