Thursday, January 29, 2009

Now Lets Talk About Friends

Lets talk about friends because in my opinion i don't have very many yeah i know alot of people but i really don't have many friends...... They come few and far between........I talking about people who call you and ask if the world is not falling apart i your time zones.....friends who at the drop of a dime would do anything within their fucking power to make your life better.......People who give a damn about you enough to do more than send you a facebook message......The people who if you don't talk to them in a week will call you ass to make sure your not dead because they know something must be wrong,................and I'm no hypocrite because i fall on both sides of this border line but the people i care about know it and would never think twice about it if i was truly there for them or not.................People who if i call them at 3 am don't fucking ask why are you calling me so late but what fucking took you so long are you see i dont have many of those type of people..........................And at the deepest core of my being i wish some of my acquaintances would be this way towards me...........because when i fall.... i fall hard and my heart will truly always be with you whether you realize it or not because one of the hardest things in the world is to realize that you arent cared about the way you care....................who is going to be there to CONSOLE THE COUNSELOR.................any answers to that shit ...............i didn't think so.......This Is My Two Weeks Notice...Im Out...


I fucking hate the world that we are living in its a fucking repulsive and disgusting mess of people and things we just refer to as people. The entire world cries for change they dig deep down into there pockets and shell out change at every fucking chance they get..... well if people reached into there hearts instead of their wallets things might get better people might actually be the change they want to see in the world.... but they fucking don't.... Money money money runs every fucking thing we do and if you don't have it your shit out of luck.............and fuck you the people that say i have empathy for people who don't have it... fuck you unless you've left school and had to call your mom and ask her where to go because you didn't have a home to go back to.... then fucking come and talk to me......
.................And I'm not saying rich people are evil they were born into it or they got lucky and work for it.............but open your pretty fucking eyes and see that the world extends farther than your front lawn no matter how fucking big it may be................I just fucking wish the world would allow people to work and pay things off and allow them a realistic time period in which to make their living because this money now shit has lost its flare.............