Monday, November 17, 2008


For about the hundreth time in the last two weeks i cant sleep... I was lauing in my bed for a good 5 hours wide awake for some reason my mind wouldnt settle and i kept haveing thoughts about everything and anything it was driving me crazy so i borrowed a ciggarete and went outside to smoke... and this came to me....

A spherical world
Containing nothing more than reflections and chemistry
Though through its short life acted upon by nothing more than gravity itself
It is his simple personification of emotion.

The rage that he never will never be able to express and the
Complex misunderstandings he can never fully grasp.
It just slowly falls into the nothingness at its end and somehow pulls with it
Pain and lose.

Though as if he was a phoenix at its death.
His emotions burn more brightly as it continues it burial procession
as its last requiem is sung
From his lips.

Then as if the cloud departed and the sun shone through for the first time
It falls and ends it so very far from where it began.
All contained in a single tear.