Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What The Fuck Is Wrong With People.........

I walk through my life just simply trying to be me and avoid the rest of the world because nobody truly wants to be inside of you no one actually cares what the fuck you are going through its the human condition and i fault no one on that.......
....................But why the fuck is it that some people have to fucking place you somewhere and leave you there because thats what you are supposed to be and why is it that people generalize and use phrases like "all of you have never" and " i know none of you have thought this before".\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Fuck You \\\\\\\\\\\\\\
I've been placed in fucking boxes my entire life.... look at me im a black kid who listens to rock snd imported music, who happens to feel sexual ambiguous and takes no preference, and who is now within an age group that people think doesn't care............... Dont fucking get it twisted i am nothing you've seen before and nothing like me will ever come after........... DO YOU UNDERSTAND????
I am different in more ways than one and you better understand that the way you think is wrong. i belong in no box but the one i put myself into...........

........................ So Fuck You .............................